
LOGIN: Circu1t    PASSWORD: BlitzosMom

Safe haven for MetaHumans & Survivors, NO BORGS from Sinel SYNDICATE, as written by The Underground. established Junjulies 21, Year S002.

#Likes and Dislikes

learn Circuits Likes and dislikes

  • LIKES. Parkour, Music, Kpop Especially Stray kids, Doing makeup, fashion and spring time.

  • Likes hanging with the tinkers and techs, loves puzzle games, and doing my nails.

  • LOVES Pasta, Breakfast sandwiches, Kdramas, skin care and the color blue.

  • Dislikes. any bodies of Water, ROBOTS, CYBORGS, AND SINEL SYNDICATE, Genshin Impact, Bastion players.

  • dislikes coffee, chocolate and any bitter foods.

  • HATES needlessly rude people, jumpscares .

Bea callsign Circuit / 24 / She/They / EST


welcome to Circuits personal profile

\sNAME.\sBea "Circuit" Joules
\sTITLES.\sHeadrunner, Loose cannon
\sPRONOUNS.\sShe / They
\sORIENTATION.\sPansexual / Panromantic
\sAGE.\s24 years old
\sBIRTHDATE.\s04/16/Year h99
\sOCCUPATION.\srunner / Recon / SCRAPPER


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