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LOGIN: Circu1t
PASSWORD: BlitzosMom
Safe haven for MetaHumans & Survivors, NO BORGS from Sinel SYNDICATE, as written by The Underground. established Junjulies 21, Year S002.
#Likes and Dislikes
learn Circuits Likes and dislikes
LIKES. Parkour, Music, Kpop Especially Stray kids, Doing makeup, fashion and spring time.
Likes hanging with the tinkers and techs, loves puzzle games, and doing my nails.
LOVES Pasta, Breakfast sandwiches, Kdramas, skin care and the color blue.
Dislikes. any bodies of Water, ROBOTS, CYBORGS, AND SINEL SYNDICATE, Genshin Impact, Bastion players.
dislikes coffee, chocolate and any bitter foods.
HATES needlessly rude people, jumpscares .
Bea callsign Circuit / 24 / She/They / EST
welcome to Circuits personal profile

\sNAME.\s | Bea "Circuit" Joules |
\sTITLES.\s | Headrunner, Loose cannon |
\sGENDER.\s | Female |
\sPRONOUNS.\s | She / They |
\sORIENTATION.\s | Pansexual / Panromantic |
\sAGE.\s | 24 years old |
\sBIRTHDATE.\s | 04/16/Year h99 |
\sSPECIES.\s | Metahuman |
\sOCCUPATION.\s | runner / Recon / SCRAPPER |
userdata.exe // set appearance